Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express
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Bernina Express


Il 7 luglio scorso a Quebec (Canada), il comitato dell'UNESCO ha accolto nel suo Patrimonio mondiale il "Trenino Rosso del Bernina" nelle tratte Ambula/Berina. Questa dichiarazione costituisce un riconoscimento internazionale alle due storiche tratte, la linea dell'Albula (Thusis-St. Moritz) completata nel 1904, la linea del Bernina (St. Moritz-Tirano) inaugurata nel 1910. Quest'ultima in soli 60 km, collega Tirano (429 m slm), attraverso i ghiacciai del Passo del Bernina (2253 m slm), a St. Moritz. (1775 m slm). Percorrere questa tratta, più che un viaggio, rappresenta un'avventura unica nel suo genere. Essa rappresenta la traversale alpina più alta d'Europa ed una delle ferrovie ad aderenza naturale più ripide del mondo. La linea ferroviaria del Bernina supera i 1824 metri di dislivello esistenti tra Tirano e l'Ospizio del Bernina in soli 22 km in linea d'aria affrontando pendenze che arrivano fino al 7%.

On 7 July in Quebec (Canada), the Committee of the UNESCO approved in its World Heritage the "Bernina Express" in sections Ambula / Berina. This Declaration is an international recognition to the two historical sections, the Albula line (Thusis-St. Moritz) completed in 1904, the Bernina Line (St. Moritz-Tirano) opened in 1910. The latter in just 60 km, connects Tirano (429 m above sea level), through the glaciers of the Bernina Pass (2253 m above sea level), in St. Moritz. (1775 m above sea level). Take this is more than a journey, an adventure is unique. It is the highest alpine traversal of Europe and one of the steepest adhesion railways in the world. The Bernina railway line more than 1,824 meters in altitude between Tirano and the Bernina Hospice in just 22 km through the air facing slopes of up to 7%

Laura Gori © 2008-2009
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